Artist: Linda Spielman
Materials: sterling silver, copper, white topaz
Size: 8 3/4
Dimensions: 1 1/4" high by 1" wide (dome), band width is 1/8"
Artist Statement:
This STATEMENT RING is from a series I created using textured, domed metal, either copper or sterling. I then add various adornments and finished by oxidizing. Brooches, pendants and other rings were also part of these "domed" creations.
I love this ring because it is simple, elegant, with a little sparkle, and yet interesting to look at from different angles. And - the 1/8" thick band is quite comfortable to wear!
Artist Bio:
Before retiring from a career in financial services, I thought about making jewelry. I had pursued art and design early in college but followed a more traditional career path. Yet I had that lingering notion that something creative/artistic made sense for me. And I've done just that, for several years, at Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago where I've met wonderful teachers and fellow metalsmiths.
This ring is an alternate in Battle of the Rings: Ring Smackdown 2021, an online exhibition and competition. Shop the entire collection , view the matches , and learn more .